Thursday, 5 April 2018

A Million Angels Book Review

Hi guys, today I am going to review a book I have just finished called A Million Angels by Kate Maryon! I have found it very emotional and tense but over all I enjoyed it very much. If you don’t want me to spoil anything then look away, but if you are intrigued to find out more about this amazing book then read on...

This book is all about a twelve year old girl’s dad who goes to war. Jemima, the twelve year old girl, worry’s very much about her Dad, her imagination grows as every day she thinks about her father. The reason that Jemima misses her Dad more than every girl put together, is because her Dad and Jemima have a connection, one that none of her friends or family have, they talk everything through together and even share the same hair style. Things soon get worse once her horrible “friend” Jessica goes on and on about being the daughter of a soldier and that she might be on TV! (Personally I really hate her a lot more than Jemima does). Lots of people change Jemima’s thoughts and feelings throughout this story and definitely changed how I thought about all the characters.

My favourite part is when Jemima finally learns to trust; this make her a stronger and a lot more confident at speaking about what she thinks instead of building a brick wall and hiding in her shell. My least favourite part is how Georgie (Jessica’s Mum) has such a big mouth and blabs on about anything that is nothing to do with her. 

I love Kate’s way of writing she finds such a way to dig in to someone’s heart and make it beat faster and faster, and I am really inspired by how she uses words to create something that’s emotional. The sentences that she uses find a way to twist my feelings from one minute happy to another minute heart-breaking. She is officially my favourite author and I am really looking forward to read her other books!

Overall, I give this emotional, happy, and amazing  book 10/10. I have loved every moment of reading this book and I hope you will take consideration to read her books as well! Bye everyone!

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