The Invisible Girl is a story about a twelve year old, Gabriella, who has lived with her mean Mum, soft Dad and caring Beckett (Gabriella’s step-brother) for a period of their lives, up until Gabriella’s Mum thought that her partner was useless meaning for her to move on. Gabriella and her Dad were doing fine on their own, until strict and cruel, Amy, Gabriella’s Dad’s new girlfriend, barges in on their lives and changes everything. Amy thinks that Gabriella gets in the way of everything and once her Dad had fallen in a deep love for Amy, he asks her to marry him! The new engaged couple then decide, to go and get married 1) without Gabriella and 2) in a tropical country, that leaves Gabriella with only one choice; she has to go and live with her Mum...
My favourite part is when Beckett comes to Amy’s Mum’s house (where Gabriella is staying) and has all the contracts to take her home. This makes me feel so happy that they have reunited and that Beckett has come and whisked her away so that Gabriella can do something she has been wanting to do for almost all her life. If this was me I would also be really hoping my older, awesome and kind brother would do the same for me! My least favourite part is how it doesn’t tell you why Tia, a girl who sometimes lives on the streets, isn’t living in her cosy house, I really wanted to know as Gabriella kept asking this question, but she never seemed to answer.
In this book, Kate really tests your ability to not get upset or end up crying, her words can really play with my emotions and make you think how lucky I am to have friends, money and a house to live in. She is incredibly good at changing the scene, for example, one minute everyone’s happy then the next everyone’s gloomy and sad. I am really inspired to write like Kate does as I used to think I was all wow, but now I realise that’s nothing to what I can do now. Also, what I can do now is NOTHING compared to the work that Kate Maryon shows, she is dedicated, inspirational and quite heart-touching too!
Overall I give this book, again, 10/10, but I definitely enjoyed this book a lot more than I did a Million Angels it is so much more creative, adventurous and exciting. Thanks for reading for reading my blog everyone, and I hope you take in to consideration to read her books. Bye! :)