Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Clip and Climb

For my inset day a few weeks ago, my friends and I went to Clip 'n Climb in Derby! It was my first ever time going and I really enjoyed it. It is a big building where you are hooked on to a rope and you can climb walls with all different designs on. I got to the top of the walls on most of them but there were some challenging walls. When you climbed up you could let go of the wall and just slowly glide down that part was really enjoyable! :)

My first go at climbing was on a red maze type wall, I was really frightened about dropping off the wall but then I told myself you will enjoy it once you do it and that is when I let go and started dropping to the floor, It was like floating down like a superhero!

One of my favourites was tall pillars where you had to climb up them and then drop of. I wanted to go on the Leap of Faith (which is a board where you jump of and try and grab a punch bag) but unfortunately our period of fun had ended and it was to late for me to go on it. (It costs extra money to go on this)

I definitely would love to go again because I had so much fun. One thing I’ve learnt from this is when your up high NEVER LOOK DOWN because it can make your nerves worse and frightens us all!
The Places We Will Go
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